Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2014
Generated 01-Mar-2014 00:43 CET
GEO-106FREE 20100301 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2010 MaxMind Inc All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2014
Total Hits 101152
Total Files 96280
Total Pages 39169
Total Visits 4730
Total KBytes 37.94 Gb
Total Unique Sites 5727
Total Unique URLs 468
Total Unique Referrers 2814
Total Unique User Agents 1136
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 150 808
Hits per Day 3612 5837
Files per Day 3438 5620
Pages per Day 1398 2964
Visits per Day 168 238
KBytes per Day 1.36 Gb 2.84 Gb
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 17
Code 200 - OK 96280
Code 206 - Partial Content 448
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 33
Code 304 - Not Modified 1278
Code 403 - Forbidden 37
Code 404 - Not Found 3059

Daily usage for February 2014

Daily Statistics for February 2014
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2344 2.32% 2142 2.22% 706 1.80% 133 2.81% 240 4.19% 775.65 Mb 2.00%
2 3192 3.16% 3073 3.19% 1025 2.62% 156 3.30% 252 4.40% 690.80 Mb 1.78%
3 3643 3.60% 3512 3.65% 1392 3.55% 164 3.47% 251 4.38% 719.12 Mb 1.85%
4 3232 3.20% 3065 3.18% 1231 3.14% 147 3.11% 252 4.40% 762.00 Mb 1.96%
5 3733 3.69% 3445 3.58% 960 2.45% 155 3.28% 285 4.98% 1.71 Gb 4.50%
6 3701 3.66% 3517 3.65% 760 1.94% 144 3.04% 256 4.47% 715.46 Mb 1.84%
7 3150 3.11% 3012 3.13% 1006 2.57% 121 2.56% 232 4.05% 1.21 Gb 3.19%
8 3117 3.08% 3017 3.13% 1505 3.84% 140 2.96% 253 4.42% 860.81 Mb 2.22%
9 2853 2.82% 2751 2.86% 891 2.27% 135 2.85% 247 4.31% 1.18 Gb 3.12%
10 4111 4.06% 3789 3.94% 861 2.20% 150 3.17% 259 4.52% 2.26 Gb 5.95%
11 3481 3.44% 3199 3.32% 956 2.44% 158 3.34% 276 4.82% 1.10 Gb 2.91%
12 3166 3.13% 2991 3.11% 958 2.45% 159 3.36% 249 4.35% 1.29 Gb 3.40%
13 3463 3.42% 3254 3.38% 1070 2.73% 162 3.42% 262 4.57% 1.30 Gb 3.44%
14 3285 3.25% 3192 3.32% 893 2.28% 164 3.47% 243 4.24% 1.73 Gb 4.55%
15 3971 3.93% 3719 3.86% 1560 3.98% 131 2.77% 219 3.82% 1.16 Gb 3.07%
16 4118 4.07% 3970 4.12% 2315 5.91% 194 4.10% 260 4.54% 2.35 Gb 6.20%
17 4081 4.03% 3897 4.05% 1808 4.62% 237 5.01% 266 4.64% 1.13 Gb 2.98%
18 3681 3.64% 3535 3.67% 1698 4.34% 186 3.93% 248 4.33% 1.37 Gb 3.61%
19 4439 4.39% 4270 4.43% 2442 6.23% 191 4.04% 286 4.99% 1.15 Gb 3.03%
20 5837 5.77% 5620 5.84% 2964 7.57% 238 5.03% 298 5.20% 2.56 Gb 6.74%
21 3383 3.34% 3194 3.32% 1821 4.65% 219 4.63% 243 4.24% 1.37 Gb 3.62%
22 4614 4.56% 4366 4.53% 2765 7.06% 238 5.03% 226 3.95% 2.84 Gb 7.49%
23 3828 3.78% 3699 3.84% 1858 4.74% 185 3.91% 239 4.17% 1.31 Gb 3.46%
24 3380 3.34% 3263 3.39% 1448 3.70% 172 3.64% 255 4.45% 874.63 Mb 2.25%
25 3794 3.75% 3626 3.77% 1280 3.27% 194 4.10% 268 4.68% 1.35 Gb 3.57%
26 3055 3.02% 2949 3.06% 919 2.35% 162 3.42% 245 4.28% 891.55 Mb 2.29%
27 3076 3.04% 2952 3.07% 1088 2.78% 197 4.16% 234 4.09% 1.18 Gb 3.12%
28 3424 3.39% 3261 3.39% 989 2.52% 158 3.34% 648 11.31% 2.23 Gb 5.87%

Hourly usage for February 2014

Hourly Statistics for February 2014
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 145 4084 4.04% 140 3925 4.08% 52 1468 3.75% 38.59 Mb 1.06 Gb 2.78%
1 110 3094 3.06% 106 2969 3.08% 46 1299 3.32% 31.44 Mb 880.29 Mb 2.27%
2 88 2473 2.44% 84 2375 2.47% 49 1384 3.53% 50.55 Mb 1.38 Gb 3.64%
3 72 2019 2.00% 68 1921 2.00% 41 1159 2.96% 46.63 Mb 1.27 Gb 3.36%
4 85 2402 2.37% 81 2291 2.38% 54 1522 3.89% 45.70 Mb 1.25 Gb 3.29%
5 77 2164 2.14% 71 2003 2.08% 44 1233 3.15% 46.14 Mb 1.26 Gb 3.33%
6 87 2437 2.41% 81 2269 2.36% 49 1392 3.55% 86.01 Mb 2.35 Gb 6.20%
7 111 3126 3.09% 103 2889 3.00% 53 1503 3.84% 81.85 Mb 2.24 Gb 5.90%
8 118 3323 3.29% 114 3209 3.33% 52 1474 3.76% 52.96 Mb 1.45 Gb 3.82%
9 129 3615 3.57% 122 3432 3.56% 48 1347 3.44% 48.84 Mb 1.34 Gb 3.52%
10 169 4756 4.70% 162 4538 4.71% 52 1456 3.72% 54.24 Mb 1.48 Gb 3.91%
11 157 4406 4.36% 148 4168 4.33% 54 1521 3.88% 61.37 Mb 1.68 Gb 4.42%
12 156 4378 4.33% 147 4139 4.30% 59 1653 4.22% 41.19 Mb 1.13 Gb 2.97%
13 164 4595 4.54% 155 4341 4.51% 66 1856 4.74% 49.65 Mb 1.36 Gb 3.58%
14 153 4307 4.26% 146 4109 4.27% 64 1817 4.64% 12.36 Mb 346.19 Mb 0.89%
15 180 5052 4.99% 174 4877 5.07% 76 2142 5.47% 7.51 Mb 210.22 Mb 0.54%
16 206 5783 5.72% 195 5485 5.70% 86 2409 6.15% 19.97 Mb 559.04 Mb 1.44%
17 173 4855 4.80% 168 4710 4.89% 58 1642 4.19% 281.27 Mb 7.69 Gb 20.27%
18 192 5383 5.32% 184 5163 5.36% 77 2166 5.53% 84.20 Mb 2.30 Gb 6.07%
19 240 6731 6.65% 229 6422 6.67% 67 1887 4.82% 34.60 Mb 968.92 Mb 2.49%
20 231 6473 6.40% 217 6081 6.32% 74 2077 5.30% 65.08 Mb 1.78 Gb 4.69%
21 193 5406 5.34% 184 5161 5.36% 54 1521 3.88% 46.80 Mb 1.28 Gb 3.37%
22 190 5323 5.26% 181 5094 5.29% 62 1737 4.43% 58.74 Mb 1.61 Gb 4.23%
23 177 4967 4.91% 168 4709 4.89% 53 1504 3.84% 41.88 Mb 1.15 Gb 3.02%

Top 30 of 468 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 12118 11.98% 120.30 Mb 0.31% /statistikk/
2 7752 7.66% 992.10 Mb 2.55% /statistikk/usage_201012.html
3 4463 4.41% 520.10 Mb 1.34% /statistikk/usage_201402.html
4 4399 4.35% 19.33 Mb 0.05% /
5 2155 2.13% 271.13 Mb 0.70% /statistikk/usage_201310.html
6 786 0.78% 5.91 Gb 15.58% /avi/vsmotor-m5-gardermoen.avi
7 769 0.76% 13.49 Mb 0.03% /en_products.html
8 578 0.57% 63.06 Mb 0.16% /statistikk/usage_200402.html
9 479 0.47% 7.06 Gb 18.62% /avi/vsmotor-m5-rudskogen.avi
10 462 0.46% 2.59 Gb 6.82% /avi/vsmotor-m5-dyno.avi
11 410 0.41% 52.58 Mb 0.14% /statistikk/usage_201303.html
12 395 0.39% 5.10 Mb 0.01% /no_index.html
13 393 0.39% 4.84 Mb 0.01% /en_index.html
14 329 0.33% 5.43 Mb 0.01% /produkter.html
15 279 0.28% 6.05 Mb 0.02% /en_videos.html
16 229 0.23% 2.51 Mb 0.01% /tjenester.html
17 215 0.21% 2.97 Mb 0.01% /bilder.html
18 205 0.20% 4.98 Mb 0.01% /filmer.html
19 204 0.20% 2.80 Mb 0.01% /en_pictures.html
20 199 0.20% 1.93 Mb 0.00% /omoss.html
21 164 0.16% 5.50 Gb 14.49% /avi/vsmotor-m5-rudskogen-inboard.avi
22 164 0.16% 2.11 Mb 0.01% /galleri.html
23 153 0.15% 6.12 Gb 16.14% /avi/vsmotor-m5-rudskogen-september.avi
24 149 0.15% 1.54 Mb 0.00% /butikk.html
25 144 0.14% 1.61 Mb 0.00% /kontakt.html
26 140 0.14% 1.21 Gb 3.19% /wmv/vsmotor-m5-tullinge-883.wmv
27 134 0.13% 16.96 Mb 0.04% /statistikk/usage_201312.html
28 123 0.12% 1.65 Mb 0.00% /en_gallery.html
29 119 0.12% 349.29 Mb 0.90% /avi/vsmotor-m5-mantorp.avi
30 111 0.11% 1.29 Mb 0.00% /en_services.html

Top 10 of 468 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 479 0.47% 7.06 Gb 18.62% /avi/vsmotor-m5-rudskogen.avi
2 153 0.15% 6.12 Gb 16.14% /avi/vsmotor-m5-rudskogen-september.avi
3 786 0.78% 5.91 Gb 15.58% /avi/vsmotor-m5-gardermoen.avi
4 164 0.16% 5.50 Gb 14.49% /avi/vsmotor-m5-rudskogen-inboard.avi
5 462 0.46% 2.59 Gb 6.82% /avi/vsmotor-m5-dyno.avi
6 10 0.01% 2.42 Gb 6.39% /f4v/oppsummering_2011.f4v
7 140 0.14% 1.21 Gb 3.19% /wmv/vsmotor-m5-tullinge-883.wmv
8 6 0.01% 1.12 Gb 2.96% /wmv/vsmotor-v10-dyno.wmv
9 7752 7.66% 992.10 Mb 2.55% /statistikk/usage_201012.html
10 9 0.01% 666.22 Mb 1.71% /wmv/vsmotor-m5-gatebil-2007-mantorp.wmv

Top 10 of 151 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4399 4.35% 1371 29.54% /
2 12118 11.98% 513 11.05% /statistikk/
3 4463 4.41% 492 10.60% /statistikk/usage_201402.html
4 769 0.76% 255 5.49% /en_products.html
5 2155 2.13% 237 5.11% /statistikk/usage_201310.html
6 7752 7.66% 142 3.06% /statistikk/usage_201012.html
7 393 0.39% 118 2.54% /en_index.html
8 279 0.28% 118 2.54% /en_videos.html
9 329 0.33% 111 2.39% /produkter.html
10 395 0.39% 108 2.33% /no_index.html

Top 10 of 153 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4399 4.35% 954 20.64% /
2 12118 11.98% 503 10.88% /statistikk/
3 4463 4.41% 486 10.51% /statistikk/usage_201402.html
4 769 0.76% 269 5.82% /en_products.html
5 2155 2.13% 238 5.15% /statistikk/usage_201310.html
6 279 0.28% 174 3.76% /en_videos.html
7 393 0.39% 146 3.16% /en_index.html
8 7752 7.66% 141 3.05% /statistikk/usage_201012.html
9 329 0.33% 121 2.62% /produkter.html
10 205 0.20% 111 2.40% /filmer.html

Top 30 of 5727 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 7721 7.63% 7721 8.02% 988.13 Mb 2.54% 133 2.81% Unknown
2 3532 3.49% 3532 3.67% 36.36 Mb 0.09% 15 0.32% Ukraine
3 2796 2.76% 2796 2.90% 322.98 Mb 0.83% 271 5.73% Ukraine
4 2576 2.55% 2576 2.68% 167.97 Mb 0.43% 21 0.44% Unknown
5 2523 2.49% 2523 2.62% 25.21 Mb 0.06% 117 2.47% Ukraine
6 1177 1.16% 1173 1.22% 11.72 Mb 0.03% 176 3.72% Russian Federation
7 1093 1.08% 794 0.82% 4.49 Gb 11.82% 5 0.11% Sweden
8 1070 1.06% 1070 1.11% 130.89 Mb 0.34% 95 2.01% Ukraine
9 911 0.90% 896 0.93% 4.97 Mb 0.01% 20 0.42% Sweden
10 670 0.66% 670 0.70% 6.69 Mb 0.02% 15 0.32% Ukraine
11 648 0.64% 646 0.67% 6.91 Mb 0.02% 21 0.44% Unknown
12 600 0.59% 600 0.62% 6.00 Mb 0.02% 3 0.06% Ukraine
13 589 0.58% 589 0.61% 62.33 Mb 0.16% 25 0.53% Ukraine
14 553 0.55% 544 0.57% 5.70 Mb 0.01% 7 0.15% United States
15 441 0.44% 245 0.25% 7.83 Mb 0.02% 132 2.79% Russian Federation
16 440 0.43% 440 0.46% 1.94 Mb 0.00% 1 0.02% Germany
17 440 0.43% 440 0.46% 1.94 Mb 0.00% 1 0.02% Germany
18 366 0.36% 366 0.38% 1.62 Mb 0.00% 3 0.06% Ukraine
19 350 0.35% 350 0.36% 1.54 Mb 0.00% 3 0.06% Unknown
20 328 0.32% 328 0.34% 41.27 Mb 0.11% 83 1.75% Unknown
21 320 0.32% 320 0.33% 3.20 Mb 0.01% 2 0.04% Ukraine
22 319 0.32% 312 0.32% 3.32 Mb 0.01% 13 0.27% United States
23 274 0.27% 36 0.04% 978.43 Kb 0.00% 6 0.13% Unknown
24 260 0.26% 240 0.25% 2.07 Mb 0.01% 3 0.06% Norway
25 257 0.25% 196 0.20% 1.54 Mb 0.00% 2 0.04% Unknown
26 257 0.25% 257 0.27% 2.57 Mb 0.01% 1 0.02% Ukraine
27 245 0.24% 105 0.11% 187.85 Mb 0.48% 133 2.81% United States
28 228 0.23% 228 0.24% 28.69 Mb 0.07% 57 1.21% Unknown
29 220 0.22% 187 0.19% 1.48 Mb 0.00% 1 0.02% Kuwait
30 220 0.22% 216 0.22% 1.85 Mb 0.00% 2 0.04% Norway

Top 10 of 5727 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1093 1.08% 794 0.82% 4.49 Gb 11.82% 5 0.11% Sweden
2 141 0.14% 141 0.15% 1.93 Gb 5.09% 0 0.00% China
3 168 0.17% 168 0.17% 1.92 Gb 5.06% 0 0.00% China
4 176 0.17% 176 0.18% 1.90 Gb 5.02% 0 0.00% China
5 161 0.16% 161 0.17% 1.87 Gb 4.94% 0 0.00% China
6 156 0.15% 156 0.16% 1.62 Gb 4.27% 0 0.00% China
7 157 0.16% 157 0.16% 1.62 Gb 4.26% 0 0.00% China
8 109 0.11% 109 0.11% 1.53 Gb 4.02% 0 0.00% China
9 135 0.13% 135 0.14% 1.48 Gb 3.91% 0 0.00% China
10 113 0.11% 113 0.12% 1.40 Gb 3.68% 0 0.00% China

Top 30 of 2814 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 12672 12.53% - (Direct Request)
2 8987 8.88%
3 8409 8.31%
4 6698 6.62%
5 4138 4.09%
6 3688 3.65%
7 2777 2.75%
8 2260 2.23%
9 1921 1.90%
10 1533 1.52%
11 1464 1.45%
12 1302 1.29%
13 1280 1.27%
14 1243 1.23%
15 985 0.97%
16 949 0.94%
17 929 0.92%
18 878 0.87%
19 699 0.69%
20 698 0.69%
21 690 0.68%
22 653 0.65%
23 648 0.64%
24 495 0.49%
25 492 0.49%
26 450 0.44%
27 384 0.38%
28 382 0.38%
29 344 0.34%
30 336 0.33%

Top 11 of 11 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 17 53.12% vs motor
2 4 12.50%
3 2 6.25% v motor
4 2 6.25% vidar strand motor
5 1 3.12% motors vs
6 1 3.12% situs verus motor
7 1 3.12% v.s.motor
8 1 3.12% vc motor fatehpur
9 1 3.12% vs motors bmw drag car
10 1 3.12% vsmotors
11 1 3.12% vs馬達

Top 15 of 1136 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 10303 10.19% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
2 4327 4.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) lik
3 2630 2.60% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
4 2518 2.49% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 F
5 2484 2.46% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
6 2463 2.43% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_0_4 like Mac OS X) Apple
7 2425 2.40% Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_0_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/53
8 1988 1.97% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
9 1859 1.84% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 F
10 1658 1.64% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.
11 1520 1.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
12 1438 1.42% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/53
13 1408 1.39% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
14 1352 1.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_1) AppleWebKit/53
15 1298 1.28% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Tri

Usage by Country for February 2014

Top 30 of 108 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 24525 24.25% 23767 24.69% 2.87 Gb 7.58% Unresolved/Unknown
2 17491 17.29% 16822 17.47% 171.91 Mb 0.44% Norway
3 14660 14.49% 14649 15.21% 872.98 Mb 2.25% Ukraine
4 9522 9.41% 8257 8.58% 1.75 Gb 4.60% United States
5 4926 4.87% 4495 4.67% 4.54 Gb 11.98% Sweden
6 4909 4.85% 4661 4.84% 379.14 Mb 0.98% Germany
7 4499 4.45% 4238 4.40% 536.63 Mb 1.38% Russian Federation
8 3624 3.58% 3547 3.68% 207.03 Mb 0.53% Finland
9 2536 2.51% 2479 2.57% 24.37 Gb 64.22% China
10 1485 1.47% 1440 1.50% 140.49 Mb 0.36% Great Britain (UK)
11 905 0.89% 820 0.85% 12.30 Mb 0.03% Canada
12 847 0.84% 804 0.84% 210.99 Mb 0.54% France
13 828 0.82% 814 0.85% 8.73 Mb 0.02% Denmark
14 767 0.76% 699 0.73% 1.03 Gb 2.71% Netherlands
15 674 0.67% 661 0.69% 7.42 Mb 0.02% Romania
16 516 0.51% 507 0.53% 7.32 Mb 0.02% Estonia
17 513 0.51% 499 0.52% 55.92 Mb 0.14% Turkey
18 453 0.45% 449 0.47% 5.59 Mb 0.01% Lithuania
19 376 0.37% 370 0.38% 18.24 Mb 0.05% Switzerland
20 330 0.33% 322 0.33% 7.17 Mb 0.02% Poland
21 327 0.32% 319 0.33% 18.81 Mb 0.05% Belgium
22 319 0.32% 284 0.29% 4.74 Mb 0.01% Kuwait
23 287 0.28% 269 0.28% 4.33 Mb 0.01% Hungary
24 277 0.27% 271 0.28% 5.13 Mb 0.01% Bulgaria
25 267 0.26% 262 0.27% 10.16 Mb 0.03% Spain
26 247 0.24% 237 0.25% 364.72 Mb 0.94% Austria
27 244 0.24% 237 0.25% 91.06 Mb 0.23% Italy
28 241 0.24% 239 0.25% 5.28 Mb 0.01% Greece
29 239 0.24% 234 0.24% 1.61 Mb 0.00% Malta
30 235 0.23% 234 0.24% 41.59 Mb 0.11% Belarus

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)